5 Reasons to Be Grateful During National Gratitude Month
Did you know that November is National Gratitude Month? It makes a lot of sense considering all we have to be thankful for in this eleventh month of the year — and especially because we live in such an awesome place as Harbor Club!
But it’s important to note that there’s more to gratitude than simply expressing thanks. In fact, there are many scientifically proven benefits of gratitude, including improved physical and psychological health. So it’s important to count your blessings, not just during the month of November, but every single day. Want to give it a shot?
Here are a few things that we can certainly be grateful for:
The right to vote
No matter who you were rooting for, this past election was a tough one to be excited about. However, our ability to vote is something to be proud of. We live in a country where we are allowed to participate in the process of electing our next president. There are people in other countries in this world that can only dream to do the same. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to freely express whom we wish to be in the highest office in the land.
Veterans / Those who serve our country
And speaking of free, we must be thankful for our veterans, not just on Veteran’s Day, but everyday. We all know that our freedom was not free. Those that served our country are an amazing group of people. Serving is an incredibly selfless act and because of those that did we have the amazing ability to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Thanksgiving holiday
Of course you must be thankful of this, the most grateful day of the year! It’s a nice day off (for most) and the perfect time to reflect on our blessings. But do yourself a favor and attempt to express gratitude daily. Start a gratitude journal and keep it on your bed stand. Write down a few things that you are grateful for each night. It could be anything, from fresh water from the tap, to having good health, to living in a safe community. So many others don’t have privileges such as these. Daily reflection on what we are lucky to have will make you a happier person overall.
We mentioned community above, as that is a big one. Harbor Club is exceptional in that it is a lake and golf community that is completely debt free. Very few other lake and golf communities can say the same. It goes to show what a value Harbor Club is, not only from a financial standpoint but from a neighborhood standpoint too. With more than 80 percent full-time residents who live here, it’s a wonderful, close-knit place to live. Our residents are fantastic!
The Grove
As you have heard, our brand new Grove amenity center will be open very soon. We are so thankful to put this new amenity center in place for our residents to enjoy. We’re working hard to add new features at Harbor Club to delight our residents. The Grove will have a new fitness center, sports field, running track, dog parks, victory gardens and more! These will go a long way toward boosting your health and happiness here at Harbor Club.
So, what about you? We’d love to know what you are most grateful for this month. Let us know on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.